Friday, February 22, 2008

ALT Chapters on Speaker and Text

Ashley Mays facilitating; comments here.

Flynn on "Composing as a Woman"

Lexi DeBrock facilitating; comment here.

Feminist Criticism

Mandy Belanger facilitating. Comment Here

Next Week in Dr. Rollins' Class

Those of you who are in Dr. Rollins' rhetoric class will have a double-dose of yours truly next week. I'll be speaking on "alternative rhetorics" or "discourse and diversity"--haven't decided yet. I've posted some articles on BlackBoard that you might be interested in (not required). The one I like the most, personally, is "Master's Tools." I wish I could have made a documentary instead of writing an essay about these memories. They are strong visual images for me. Have a great weekend. Dr. L

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Bush Video Compilation

One of several compilations on YouTube:
Thanks, Catherine. Food for thought in the context of the Photoshop and the Democracy chapters in Jenkins (and in terms of rhetorical ethics). [I sense that I am about to compose a midterm question.] Yet another example of how many more people can now participate; see the number of times this one has been viewed AND the number of comments on it! Dr. L

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Your midterm will be "open-book."

I think I told the class about this inscription on a building at FSU, where I did my undergraduate degree. I'm grateful to a blogger named Ann who decided not to go there for graduate school, but who posted her picture of this quotation that I've remembered for 39 years. The other half of knowledge is what you have in your own memory. Dr. Lilly

Order for Thursday

The lineup: Catherine (ALT 1-3, see Rhetorical Criticism on BB); Patrick (Continental Criticism, see Continental Theory on BB); Lillian H. (Covino, see #12 under Course Documents). Presenters post below; audience also post on these topics below or on your own blogs. --Dr. L

ALT Overview, Context, Audience (Catherine)

Continental Criticism (Patrick)

Rhetoric is BAAA-AK (Lillian H)