Thursday, January 17, 2008

Zero was invited by the Mayans

On my latest trip to Central America, I was reminded that the Mayans invented the concept of zero. Incredibly important to the histories of mathematics and science, but much less so when it comes to comments on blogs. Please comment.


Anonymous said...

By the way, the LSU website changed the main picture within hours of our class

Susannah Turner said...

I saw that. The LSU homepage is not a complete failure, of course the current affairs of sports are going to be highlighted and attract attention. If you click on the "see more" option on the picture there are complete stories that highlight academics and other affairs on campus. Sometimes when I go to check my paws account the pictures catch my eye, and then I proceed to read the details of the story behind the picture. I much prefer the pictures and stories than a video.

Unknown said...

to lexi's comment... i noticed the same thing. as soon as i checked the lsu homepage, a new picture was posted. however, it still had to do with school spirit and being #1.